"The Father of  Possibleology & Possibility Education"

I AM POSSIBLE: Been Through Too Much To Live So Little

By Dr. Oscar J. Dowdell-Underwood

I AM POSSIBLE is Book II of Vindication of Broken Women Who Possess Deep Wells. It is a book about the Samaritan Woman Principle that emphasizes that even in the ugliest of circumstances, the incredible beauty of authenticity, value, and destiny rests waiting for release through the ministry of Christ's redemptive and perfect love. I AM POSSIBLE is dedicated to the many women and men, who live in denial of their purposed greatness in order to have a pseudo peace in shallow places where they are misunderstood and even punished for being deep in their thinking, deep in their seeing, deep in their imagination, deep in their hoping, and deep in their ability to love and make an incredible difference in the lives of others.